From Novice To Dirt Biking Genius!

Ignition For Rash, Reckless, Riding
Every endeavor has a novice at the starting point – that’s what novices do – they start things. With that first twist of my wrist, I was hooked… I am a novice and this was my starting point.
That first twist of a throttle was an act of defiance
for adventure, it was not just an act of curiosity.
How would it feel to draw lines through the dirt
and carve a path where the rules did not apply?
The ultimate of solitary … I was nodding … this could be a tangible reality.
Granted it might have been nice for me to start at an earlier age – maybe 5 years old.
That being a thing of the distant past, nothing was left but to begin where I was.
I could still do this …
From Novice To Dirt Biking Genius! In My Lifetime

It’s for anyone who has a pulse for adventure.
This sport was available for anyone who applied themself and had a pulse and a hint of adventure-seeking blood.
Since I had been out of college longer than my fellow riders had been living I couldn’t bridge the gap alone.
I roused up some friends and we all joined together.
The encouragement from guys my age was key… I had a support team in place, I was ready. Dirt biking is not just for the young and reckless, it’s for the older and reckless too.
You know, the young: those abundant in zest and short on caution.
That sort of comment should have dissuaded me – what was I doing?
Any second thoughts about this pursuit evaporated when my bike roared to life.
That initial hesitation was replaced with the thrill of 30 motorcycles
starting up at the same time.
That gg-grr-oo-ommm – vroom-vroom replaced all other sights
and sounds and I was enveloped in a type of vacuum.
In spite of my late hour in starting, this was where I belonged…
I knew I would be here for the long haul.
Discovering Feckless, Daring, Dirt Biking
Dirt biking doesn’t discriminate by the number on your birth certificate.
It’s not reserved for the youthful daredevils among us… I couldn’t let them have all the fun.
Oh, well… let’s get on with it.
Adventure does not have an expiry date… hah, I said it! (Dirt Bikers Do It In The Dirt)
I’d swapped wheelchair wheels for inline wheels any day – I can’t even think about that.
Did I discover dirt biking or did it discover me?
I can attest – NOTHING is rewarding about
starting an extreme sport late in life!
Starting older means we’re supposed to be mature and patient.
We were expected to be good examples… use common sense.
Perhaps the younger guys would listen more, just to be polite.
Have you talked to kids lately?
There were whoops and yells and it was nothing short of humbling.
But the satisfaction and exhilaration made me feel like fifteen again.
Everyone hung back and allowed me to be methodical in my approach –
it was expected that I would be slow… and it was to my advantage.
What Does A Feckless Dirt Biker Ride?
Not just any bike; he’s a roaring beast, a symphony – powerful and agile.
He’s my steed, man! Let me count the ways:
It’s a smorgasbord of Yamaha, Kawasaki, and KTM precision, and the Italians – they
strutted their Ducati stuff… I never knew such beautiful bikes existed!
Except for the necessities of suspension, fenders, and a good seat,
this bike is pared down, and that’s why these motorcycles are cheap!

Their designs are whippet-like and sturdy,
like gymnasts – strong and agile.
This is what these bikes are made to do –
the way I feel right now –
I should be wearing a cape!
Yes, a feckless dirt biker rides a dirt bike, but it’s not just a mode of transportation; he’s your best friend – and I wanted to look cool.
Don’t get me wrong – it does look cool, and looking cool is still what I wanted.
It was important that I felt comfortable around these pros,
and I didn’t want to be handicapped by inferior performance.
Throughout my training, there was this mantra: What would it be like to ride
out there, away from civilization and people? I had to satisfy that thirst.
Start With Wobbling Wheels
There was a learning curve: I was a default wobbler, and my balance was chaos.
This unlocked a world of adrenaline-fueled excitement. I was so bad in the beginning.
They chanted, “Every pro-fes-sio-nal was once a be-g-in-ner”
but what they were saying was “C’mon old man”.
Smack talk, for sure … but it was motivating smack talk!
I started to be gentler with myself.
The feeling when I managed to stay upright a little longer?
… Priceless!
The yells? – They were my frustrations venting themselves.
I really did sound like a little girl… these days, little girls don’t even do that.
I was told by people, that this was an audacious act.
But what have THEY done lately?
… You’re welcome…
Dirt Biking Dynamics
The camaraderie we had was great. Every nod, every shared piece of advice, knitted us; we bonded. We backslapped and laughed too loud, while our muscles screamed for relief.
We were like-minded and we all wanted to be the best.
We all fought for that first place in the one-upmanship arena.
The air hung heavy with bravado.
Much More Than A Solo Ride
Getting on a bike, cranking the throttle, and taking off on a trail is not a solitary experience – it’s a social event.
With a whoop, we zoom off into the wilderness, faster than the speed of sound.
But when we hit the dirt, we’re on equal ground.
Everyone wants to be first during the dry season – it’s very dusty at the back.
After the engines have cooled we’re still outdoing each other with our trail tales.
To debunk the myth that dirt-biking teens only meet those who are dirt-bikers…
boo-hoo. I’m glad I’m not dating anymore!
Embracing The Mess…
Forget about clean hair and pristine outfits,
embrace Mother Nature’s muddy chic.
You don’t want to go to all the effort to come out here, with great expectations,
and go home clean. Stains are a sign of a day well spent.
Laundry on the weekend is grueling!
If you can’t look past the mud and the sand in your teeth, you can’t do this.
We are united by our love for the sport – many a long marriage has been based on less.
Finding Freedom On The Trails
I felt this warning that outside my comfort zone
lay tests that would stretch my resolve very thin.
Did I have the guts to face gravel paths, potholes, rocks,
logs, steep hills, and mudslides – ALONE?… I was scared!
This is all I will say about character-building: I saw a reflection of myself – messy
and challenged. As every ride passed, my coordination improved.
Try and drive through mud without learning about resilience
– these were empowering results.
Joining local groups; I met all kinds of people who shared a love for this pastime.
I had reshaped my social circle in the most positive ways…
Riggghttt... well, not all of that is totally accurate. Who was I kidding?
My feelings were much more superficial than that.
I wanted to jump a rock and logs and ride at warp speed up a hill and please the crowd
and land victorious and find that “middle of nowhere” spot … I wanted to go there.
The very nature of dirt biking is chaos but in the eye, I found a deep sense of freedom.
I rode with a new understanding of what it means to be alive.
And these guys had been doing this for years! … Where was I all that time?
Navigating Trails and Grinning Like An Idiot
Picture this: Our group stands at the top of a hill, looking around – we’re all going down.
There’s an air of camaraderie that can be felt. We grin like idiots.
Thrill-seekers find common ground in the pursuit of a rush…
The high-fives and knowing nods and that show of respect matter to us.
I was so cool on the outside; they would never know that in my head I did cartwheels.
– I was jumping around like a boxer.
Become a Nomad
In this world the journey never really ends – it’s ongoing – there
are always new plains to conquer. The trails change every week.
Ongoing Dirt Biking Odyssey
Look at Jason’s transformation from novice to dirt biking genius!
Look at these photos – his early days as a rider – so many years ago.
My grandchildren ride now – even the girls!
For us it’s like opening a book we’ve never read before, to be cresting a hill, and seeing a new landscape.
Every twist in the wilderness is a fresh lesson in challenges and rewards. This is not a cliche!
And when you think you’ve seen it all, there is a steeper hill to
climb. The lure extends beyond the tightness in your muscles.
In Summary…
If you are considering this path, understand that it’s a metaphor for conquering fears, embracing challenges, and facing the unknown… Yadda…yadda…yadda…
Here’s what I was really thinking: I wanted to get down that hill with dignity;
I wanted to hold everyone’s attention; I wanted to have star power.
… What I learned along the way was the icing on the cake.
Our rides are broken down into manageable sizes.
Inevitably we’ll crest a hill – and we want to know what comes after that.
Remember these things about Dirt Biking Boys –
1. We’re adrenaline junkies: we want to be out there. When we’re away from the open fields, working hard, making a living, we think about being out on a ride.
Some people don’t get it – they have no passion!
2. We’re nomads underneath it all. While I love having my pals around me, we all drive off in different directions and whoop it up a bit. We regroup later, muddy and feeling good.
3. We are thrill-seekers, and it’s easier to be one when you are in the company of like-minded thrill-seekers. We have that common ground and we’re in the pursuit of the same kind of rush… See? Easier.
4. Don’t judge me but I liked the smack talk because it’s motivating smack talk. And behind every smack-talk-EE, there is a smack-talk-ER.
As my confidence grew so did my mouth.
I love these guys.
5. In truth – this bike was covering all my shortcomings, and I covered his tracks.
Oh yes, I did move on to bigger and more expensive dirtbikes. Who can resist?
6. I am forever grateful for the good advice I made use of from the beginning.
Ask questions and get the answers you want. Follow the experts’ advice.
They live for this!
Please tell me: do you ride a motorcycle? What kind of motorcycle do you ride?
Why did you choose that motorcycle over all the others?
Tell me where you go to ride, and tell me your story.
I would love to hear from you.
Leave a comment below, and I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Regards, Cook :-)))
Hi Cook. I’m not a biker any more. But I do find your insights entertaining!
Thank you Richard,
I am glad you enjoyed this post!