Off-Road Dirt Biking On The African Plains!

Why choose Africa for your next off-road adventure? It’s simple: no other place in the world is Africa. And no other place offers such beauty and natural splendor; it’s a demanding terrain.
Being off-road, you’re in control, but not of everything… let me explain:
The Joy Ride…
Press that starter button and hear your engine roar to life – add to that 20 other motorcycles and you feel the thrill of the r-r-rump-f-ff!
It gets into your body and the vibration goes through your chest – get ready to enjoy off-road dirt biking on the African plains!
The plains are wide open and the paths you tread are less traveled. Very few men have walked the earth that lies under your wheels.
The plains are a backdrop – stunning and challenging. The thrill of what is hidden – who knows what is in store today?
Restore Your Energy on the Savannah

The savannah appears limitless and I am peacefully recharged. This goes beyond conventional touring; it’s about feeling every bump and curve.
The raw power of Mother Nature is on full display and in minutes, we could go from scorching heat to a sudden downpour – there are dark clouds on the horizon.
There is always the element of danger; it’s geographically challenging and rewarding…
or we wouldn’t be here.
Embracing the Adventure
It’s not just the physicality of the ride that gets us up so early on a Saturday. It’s a foray into the wild heart of Africa.
We were born here; we understand that wild animals live on these plains and all around us.
(Off-road biking in the heat of Africa!)
You can see the life in these grasses from the snakes on the ground to the macaws in the trees and a stately giraffe waltzing past, 500 meters away.
Today we foray into the wild – but nature dictates the rules.
Off-Road Dirt Biking On The African Plains!
Riding amongst Africa’s wild Inhabitants
It is a privilege to crest a small hill only to be facing a very long descent to a green valley. The life out here is next level – you feel it in the air!
Wild, wild wilderness!
We see small herds of zebra, wildebeests, and springboks – they are watching us, and it’s all about mutual respect. We give them their space, they give us ours.
I know what you’re thinking: that some wild cat will hurl out of a tree, land on our backs, and claw us to death... Take a pill and look around you.

There is plenty for everyone – the grass is tall, no one appears greedy or aggressive and there’s no want here – there’s no stress.
There’s no need to fear if you stay out of their space. A lion would prefer a fresh wildebeest to you anyway, so don’t you worry.
We keep in mind that we are visitors, and can continue to be, as long as we remember our place. To be honest, the buzzing of our motors keeps the cats away.
(Driving on paved roads is different)
This is an extreme sport. When you are involved in a pastime like this, you can’t help but be in the company of like-minded conservationists.
This respect for nature transitions smoothly into the camaraderie we have.
The Brave Bond of Bike-Boys
In a sport like this when you meet every week it’s like a family gathering. You get to know each other, and if someone is missing, after a quick text we know that he’s ok.
I love this technology.
Comradery on two wheels
We have our own Esperanto – it’s necessary with the noise of the engines and the slap of the tires. The sudden stops or the positioning of the wheels might signal a direction change or a watch-out warning!
Nods and gestures say it all – we can’t hear each other anyway, through these helmets, so stop beeping your horn.
We have to rely on each other – our wheels are almost touching at high speeds. You’d better speak the language and get to know that guy on your left.
It’s that helpless laughter when we stop that really dissolves me.
I am coughing up dust!
Follow Our Leader…
We always have one person to map out the route and lead the trail. That changes every week and we love it. It gives us all the experience of leading, and following… which is just as important.
The stragglers at the back are not necessarily the newest members. We all take our turn… but we’re not stupid. We spread out as wide as we dare to avoid the dust from the bikes in front.
If one person leads, then we’re all in sync and it will be a great ride. It’s not about his ego, but it will puff up his chest a little bit!
We are in this together.
Like any social group, everyone has their talent: there’s the guy who has the right tool for everything and he’s a good mechanic!
There’s the guy who is sensitive and who “feels” wildlife in the area. We trust his instincts and he has not been wrong yet.
We’ll stop to help the rider who is struggling with the terrain or push a bike up a challenging slope. We are in this together.
Oh please, don’t make me laugh while I am looking down this hill…
I am one of the older guys and it’s heartening to see the next generation soaking up our advice and improving the sport. And girls are starting to ride off-road too.
Welcome to the 2020s!
It’s the memories we have at the end of the day that I enjoy… they last a lifetime.
Surprises on the African Terrain
When your paved road ends and the off-road experience begins, expect “unpredictability”. Make him your friend because every few yards driven becomes a new challenge.
Expect the unpredictable
You had better not be thinking “This is easy” because pride goes before the fall. This is a stark reality and you have to be vigilant all the time.
Our leader today will be watching the horizon; there are signs of a storm. Our concrete hard dirt paths could change into a very slippery and treacherous ride within minutes.
Your skill as a rider will be put to the ultimate test. (Weather network)
Our leader was prepared and mapped out potential stops before we set out. We put on our rain gear and followed in single file to safer territory… standing under shelter we watched an amazing storm pass further east.
As the rain stopped we wondered, “Should we traverse this hill or leave it for another day?” Mother Nature will taunt you, but trust your instincts: that hill will still be there next week.
The terrain tests our navigation skills and we all understand directions, but it’s not the absence of obvious direction that tests us.
No… it’s the vast openness that challenges us. Which way should we go?
There are so many choices. Usually, we read for danger and choose the more friendly path.
But it might not be the best route.
You don’t want to lose your way in the wilderness; you don’t want to be separated from the others.
Trust me … you don’t want this to happen!
Mechanical issues can erupt anywhere – always carry a toolkit and spare parts;
know the rudiments of bike repair
(Your motor-mac is highly respected)
Some of the young riders cavort off at times and I yell at them to “ride in pairs”.
Kids: they don’t get it sometimes. They are like young lions, learning every step of the way.
I shake my head: I was just like them!
In some areas, wildlife encounters can be common you don’t want to suddenly encounter a lion guarding his pride.
The experience of seeing these animals in their element is very intense and your
understanding of animal behavior can turn a potential crisis into a thrilling highlight!
Give them plenty of space. (Learn about the wild in Kruger N Pk)
We share our stories and give the ultimate advice: never get between any young animal and its mother. Never. You could be a dead man.
There’s A Fun Factor To Off-Road Biking
In these African plains, the vast expanses are thrilling. The ride makes you free and the sky is endless. That happy place is a fusion of speed, control, and unpredictable terrain.
Take the plunge
Your heart can be pounding – trying to stay upright – after a tricky maneuver. It’s a victory to crest that little hill, and appreciate the vista only to ride to the next one.
A clear understanding of ‘leave no trace’ is crucial and I am happy to notice that there are no aluminum cans or plastic bags left around.
The spores of humans: it would be insulting to me and the universe.
Before you criticize, the savannah is here for everyone. The prevailing rains follow, so that we can leave it the way we found it. (Beyond the headlines of South Africa)
The criteria for protecting the land and our escapades is 60-40 in maintaining respect for the environment first and maximizing the fun of off-road biking, a distant second.
I go so far as to insist that all the bikes in the group are in peak riding condition; it has a lesser impact on emissions.
Leave the landscape untouched.
Safe Returns and Continuing Journeys
We are spent happy tired excited refreshed with a HUGE sense of accomplishment we grew a deeper respect for the wilderness and each other today…
As we switch off our engines, the silence is deafening. The world feels calm. We let the dust settle for a while as we rest and reflect on today’s ride.
Safety is our host and we understand the importance of staying aware.
Our main focus is that we come together in the same numbers as when we left;
nature blesses us with another day.
If you are new to this and considering such an adventure, do your research. The terrain is always a mystery and caution and care are critical.
Speak to experienced riders and make some informed decisions about the bike you will ride and the gear you will wear. (Biking Accessories, Pretoria).
Join a responsible and reliable group and learn about the trails. Be prepared to understand the risks; take instruction in riding techniques.
Learn to “feel” the life around you. The call of the wild promises you a round of adrenaline-pumping highs – but if you do it right, you leave a clean path for future outings.
Let me know about your riding adventures:
Where do you ride?
Do you ride in a group or alone?
Do you ride off-road or on paved surfaces?
I would love to hear from you – please leave a comment below and I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Regards, Cook :-)))