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  1. Yolande Bourget says:

    This has been very interesting to read. You had quite an interesting visit in Africa and eye opener up to this point. Educational for us also. You have a way with words that bring out a good description of places and people, emotions. Wishing you the best in all of this and looking forward to your next post.

    Merry Christmas to you and your husband and a Happy Blessed New Year!

    1. Thank you Yolande and Mike! I am so glad you enjoyed this post. My next one “Celebrating Christmas in South Africa in the 1970s” includes my Mom’s visit (aunt Jane). I will be sure to send it to you.
      Have a Blessed Christmas and wonderful 2024!

  2. patricia laplante says:

    Because I was an expat as well, I can really identify with Cook’s experiences. It was a joyous experience from beginning to end and she certainly knew how to light up a scene and point up a phrase. The chronicle is a marvelous voyage that it’s very hard to put down, and nearly impossible to forget.

    1. Hello Patty! So nice to hear from you here! Kind words indeed and yes it all brings back memories of wonderful experiences. I am so looking forward to your book, A Belgian Odyssey!
      Take care!

  3. Brenda Willis says:

    Once again, an enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

    1. Hello Brenda!
      I am so happy you enjoyed it and thanks for commenting.
      The memories of my Mom are so poignant right now. This was cathartic for me.
      Happy New Year!
      Corinne :-)))