What Does It Mean To Be Retired At 60?

Welcome To “Retirement Reality”!

Most experts say that your retirement income should be 80% of your final annual pre-retirement income!
If you earned $150,000 that year, you need $120,000 annually to meet your present needs! If $80,000 was your earning, you need $64,000 to continue living as usual!
Then, there is inflation.
This is what it means to be retired at 60 …
I already knew that a home-based business would help to supplement my retirement income.
Not only that, but it could reduce my tax bill. Home maintenance costs and traveling can be claimed as expenses!
I needed to be visible and memorable online, or my business would not succeed!
I Am In Good Company!
I just read that the highest rate of entrepreneurship, worldwide, was in the 55 – 64 year age group! And, anyone starting a business over 50, was the most likely to succeed!
Hey! … Just like high school!
Older workers are usually very determined so employee turnover is minimal!
If you are your own boss, you probably won’t fire yourself… Just saying.
You have EXPERIENCE! … YOU are the man!
You worked all your life to become the expert that you are in your field!
Having your own business will improve your health and mental state.
It will allow you to pursue your dreams!
And there is always room for learning something new!
Start With A GREAT Website!

I miss those days!
–This is how we start! — With a great… no … a
b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t WEBSITE!
When I was looking for ideas, I did the equivalent of hanging up the phone with a bang!
My phone in my head was a fleshy-pink rotary dial! … I miss those days... Ok, I had a tantrum!
I didn’t want to know about this!
I had never made a website before!
How Are You Going To Get This Show On The Road?
Just to recap: Executed with impatience!
I didn’t want to make a website. I had never made one – it was too technical for me!
I do want to have an online business … this is the way to go now, isn’t it?
I was a little annoyed that I had to “learn this online stuff!”
It’s probably too expensive! … I heard that people spend thousands on websites, with no results … Sour-grape syndrome!
I heard that there are academies out there for building online businesses.
I needed to research this… now I wised up!
When I was in college you had to go to the library to research anything!
Now I could surf the web from home!
This was going to be fun!
(Thus ending with a sigh)
But First, The Process!
**Search the internet for information about online businesses.
(Read here about other searches for an online business)
I did not just get a list of things to do, but this is the sort of information that opened my eyes!
Picture this: you wanted to visit a new restaurant in town.
You went online to see the menu to decide if it was worth the trip.
Otherwise, “you can go somewhere else”.
Did you go to that restaurant that you looked up? …
More importantly, would you have gone there if you did not see their website?
I was getting a message (you think so?)
If I wanted to promote ANY business, it would have to have a brilliant WEBSITE!
OTHERWISE? … “I’ll call you, … maybe”!
The Internet Had So Many Options!
“YOU CAN SELL ANYTHING ON THE WEB” – I remember reading this in the 90s.
But we’ve improved since then!
Keep in mind, we do not sell “things” at all. We sell solutions; we sell something new and inventive! We sell something that will stroke your ego, and improve your life!
So with that in mind is it any wonder that people want to SEE who they are dealing with?
Yes, I know that there are scam websites, and if the situation warrants it, ie: it will be an expensive item, then do an independent review.
Don’t just take the assurance of that website that they are 100% good.
The results can be justifiably prohibitive for doing business with them.
This is why good businesses want great reviews! … On the internet.
The internet removes any barriers to what you can sell online.
It removes any limitations to what you can earn if that’s your goal.
If you are looking for “readership”, be my guest!
There are 5 billion people on the internet at any time of the day or night, worldwide!
I just got another message – choose the NICHE you want for your business!
(This should narrow things down to a sizable audience!)
Your business needs to be ONLINE … aaaand HAVE A GREAT WEBSITE!
What CHOICES Did I Have?
“The internet removes any barriers to what you can sell online”
*** from up there in the highlighted box!
You could sell your ideas about the career you are retiring from.
Who knows more in your field than you do?
You’ve only been doing this for the last 25, or 30 years!
You could be a consultant, business partner, teacher, tutor, service provider, you name it!
You could sell the pottery and paintings that you have created over the years.
Be a temp retail store manager.
You could do t-shirt printing, screen printing, house painting, dog walking, house sitting, catering, and be a handyman housecleaner!
As a blogger, you can proofread for publishers, write material and even consult about
starting an online business!
NOW HEAR THIS! … first …
I got rid of my limited thinking! And I chose my niche!
I knew I could sell anything on the internet, as long as I could build a great website!
I searched the internet to find the best WAY to learn to build a website and maintain an online business. (See what I found?)
Where Have You Been Hiding?
As I was searching for academies for building an online business,
the first spot on the first page of Google is owned by Wealthy Affiliate.
I tried other search engines and the same thing happened.
Wealthy Affiliate was #1 on page one every time!
Enter Wealthy Affiliate – My Educator!
Here’s What I Discovered:
Wealthy Affiliate provides training for building ANY online business!
Wealthy Affiliate is ranked #1 in the industry and THE best value for money!
You can “visit” the Wealthy Affiliate site for FREE for one week!
You can read members’ bios, join the chats and ask questions!
No credit card is necessary to do this.
You can follow 12 “getting started” courses for free!
These 12 courses cover the basics of making money online and instructions
for building your first website.
I built my first website on the second day that I became a member – you have lots of time!
I went Premium! … Want to know why?
Someone on Quora.com asked, “How can I start a business with $50?”
For $50.00 per month, at Wealthy Affiliate, I am a Premium Member and I get PREMIUM benefits! … FOR FIFTY DOLLARS!
$50.00 a month is pretty much the going rate for online business academies.
I am getting PREMIUM training for the same price as you would pay at a lesser-rated academy, for basic training!
… Which might not give you very good training!
You have to opt for Premium; it’s the best value for money!
PREMIUM MEMBERS get a minimum of 120 courses and all the support they need to develop and maintain their own online business.
Wealthy Affiliate was voted as having the most interactive and best community, worldwide!
AND the members number about 2.6 million, from all walks of life.
They are from every country and every age group.
You are in a community of successful people, all working toward their goals.
But there is no end to their generosity of spirit. They genuinely want you to succeed!
Access to Site/Support – they’re amazing – and the community is always available 24/7!
That means you could be up all night long if you want to and still join a chat, do some training, or ask a question.
It’s so cool to be able to do that!
I have developed e-pals from several countries now… And I’m getting more all the time.
It’s very enriching to have such contacts with like-minded people!
The fantastic community at Wealthy Affiliate is available 24/7…
Wealthy Affiliate provides WordPress… which has its own support team.
They provide the tools to build your own WordPress website. … and it’s free!

Depending on whether you are a Premium or Premium Plus member, you can have more websites!
I have just launched my second website – Woo-hoo!
This IS a big deal … I am 72 years old with no background in this whatsoever!
And you are reading my post! Thank you! … because
… if I can do this, everyone can do this!
When I was 10 years old I was in a school play. After that, my schoolmates asked me if I wanted to study acting. I said, “no, not acting. I want to write a book!”
My secret pleasure is rising up to meet me…
This could never have happened if I did not take a leap of faith and do what I wanted to do!
You need to take this leap if you want to build and maintain your own business.
There will be times when things get tough, but remember my age!
I never learned any computer science in school…. We just weren’t there yet!
If there is any way that I can be of help to you I will be happy to do whatever I can.
I would love to hear about your online experiences and share your ideas.
Leave a comment below and I will get back to you within 24 hours!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Regards, Corinne
What an amazing influencing post. The way that you laid out your both points the retirement and creating your own website was so creative. You assured me about my decision of being part of WA community. You covered the subject in very professional way.
Wish you all the best in your journey!
Hello NedaS, and thank you for reading my post.
I am pleased that you are encouraged to be a WA member. Welcome! You will enjoy the journey.
Regards, Corinne
What an amazing influencing post. The way that you laid out your both points the retirement and creating your own website was so creative. You assured me about my decision of being part of WA community. You covered the subject in very professional way.
Wish you all the best in your journey!
Hello NedaS, and thank you for reading my post.
I am pleased that you are encouraged to be a WA member. Welcome! You will enjoy the journey.
Regards, Corinne