What Is Your Career Game Plan For 2023?

Do We Have A Chicken FIRST Or An Egg?
I had a chicken and an egg syndrome!
–A – I had a career game plan!
–B – I needed the TRAINING to carry out that game plan!
It’s simple!
I learned that they are equally important in order to achieve the most successful results…
See where I’m coming from?

Go for the GOLDEN eggs!
I wanted an online business so that I could work from the comfort of my home!
Read about the many reasons to own an online business!
As a result, I have created my website and filled my store for my online business, all at the same time! This was the BEST decision I have made in my retirement…
I would like to take you on my incredible journey!
What Is YOUR Career Game Plan For 2023?
If you are retired at 60 you have probably worked for about 40 years at something!
If you start your online business now, you could easily own it for 20 years.
It is reasonable to believe that you could spend 1/3 of your working life as an
online entrepreneur... I did the math!
Take Action …
If you have a rough plan, take specific actionable steps every day, to firm up those plans.
It’s time to consolidate your thinking and solidify your hopes and dreams!
Point yourself in the right direction! These baby steps are about establishing your business!
Online business guru and entrepreneur, Ayodeji Awosika said, “Concentrate your time, energy, and attention on the daily actions needed, to turn your intentions into results!”…
Read that again!
Gameplan Number …☝1!
Market Research:
Should You Be Buying or SELLING?
Imagine if you created pottery over the years, made wood carvings, or watercolor paintings, and wrote short stories!
Whatever your passion, now is the time to create a memorable online store and sell your SKILLs on your website!
YOU search the internet for the same items you have in your storage locker!
This is your interest, so it’s what you shop for.
Why not turn this passion into an online business?
Action Step: Notice while surfing the net…
While surfing for your passion, take note of what is ATTRACTIVE about a website.
(This will start your juices running to turn your intentions into results!)
What HOOK did they use?
Was there a great photo that captured your attention?
Was there a particular word or phrase that made you laugh out loud?
People like to be entertained!
What will you have on your website, that will attract a shopper to stop and look at
your product?
It works like this! …
There is a billboard on a stretch of highway, south of Calgary, in Alberta, Canada.
This HUGE sign is standing, alone, in a farmer’s field.
The sign, which says, “Made You Look!” has no other information, EXCEPT for the name of the SIGN COMPANY!
Its message is clear: “Billboards work”.
“In fact, since everyone is looking, isn’t this the perfect place to advertise?”
Metaphorically speaking, when we rent-that-space, we click-a-link!
5 billion people, worldwide, are on the internet … ALL the time! … They sit up all night!
Your website on the internet, for all the world to see, can be that massive billboard in the farmer’s field in a little land called Canada! (My poetic side)…
Speaking Of Talents…
Ok, so you’re not a “watercolor painting whittling pottery sort-of-person”. I get that!
What did you do for the last forty years?
Were you a math teacher, design advisor, or legal assistant?
Sell your skill! Launch your website and strut your stuff!
You have enormous skills in your niche and experience which took a lifetime to learn.
Your expertise will produce your second income!
You can be that tutor, lifestyle self-help coach, or construction advisor with your own online business website!
Do You Want To Sell Someone Else’s Products?
You can be an affiliate marketer if you don’t have a product to sell.
An affiliate marketer will write posts about a pastime or a thing.
Links for products or services are added to the post.
If I write about my trip to Greece, I could typically include links for travel packages, car rentals, or coupons for restaurants in the area… What I choose to sell is relatable to my story.
Typically, people who are thinking of traveling to Greece would be looking for
this information!
When the reader “clicks on the link” and makes a purchase, I receive a commission at
no cost to the purchaser.

You can write about anything!
I have blogged about travel, food, and my love of motorcycling! You can read about that here!
The seller does not pay a middleman;
I am their advertiser now!
I never mail a product, and I never need to store stock.
Affiliate marketing is very competitive.
Almost every business out there is vying for the same customers … like a grocery store!
Do You Supply A Service?
Imagine if your website helped to simplify people’s lives through the services you post.
Your website could show a cleaning service, delivery, or Uber service in different areas. (dog walking, home maintenance, garden planning!)
The purchaser typically asks Google: “Where are childcare facilities near my home…”
Up pops your website supplying the names of these services in a prescribed area…
just like a catalog!
Whatever a person buys on your site, you receive a commission from the seller,
at NO COST to the purchaser.
The purchaser who sets up a service that renews continually gives you a recurring income!
Nothing compares to the feeling of adding to your bank account, while you sleep!
Take Another Action Step …

determine the success of your business!
Regardless of the business model you choose, you MUST attract the surfer’s attention.
You need to create a BRILLIANT website! (that’s your action step!)
No, no, not just a “GREAT” website – those were the ones you just saw.
You want to stand OUT from the crowd.
In order to “stand out” the FIRST thing I did was run to Google…
My search question was, “What should I do to start an online business and make money working from home?” … (heh, heh!)… Good luck Google!
I was directed to the number ONE spot on the first page, for the “best academy for online business ownership – WORLDWIDE” and up popped Wealthy Affiliate.
The WA Academy is voted by the members, as the most interactive and supportive of online community platforms. This is substantial … as the members number about 2.6 million!
At $50.00 US per month as a Premium member, it is voted the best value for money. This rate includes all the training you will ever need to build and maintain your own online business.
You will be given a free domain and free hosting!
There are additional free courses daily, and valuable information from the most like-minded people you will ever meet… You have access to Site Support, day and night – they’re fantastic!
You could sit online all night long if you wanted to!
All of this information was important to me… I did not want to throw good money after a bad decision… I joined Wealthy Affiliate and my baby steps started sprinting!
Gameplan # ✌2!
Create Your Amazing Website!
THIS is where my chicken and egg came together…
Creating the website takes about 30 minutes.
What you put INTO your website store is going to take some time and training.
Don’t believe those stories you hear about making a website and becoming a gazillionaire in 4 days! Whoever did that has been an online guru for 10 years already!
The internet is more ready for online business NOW than at any other time in its history.
Don’t let an opportunity slip past you...
You should be feeling great about this … you don’t even have competition!
This is your store and you own this business… You answer to YOU!
Did you ever wonder about the definition of luck?
“Luck is being prepared for the opportunity when it presents itself”!
Gameplan Number 3!
Decide The Following:

of your business success!
-A- What do you want to achieve?
Do you plan to make a few million dollars or just enough to supplement your income?
(Psst… you don’t really want to do the minimum… Dream Big!
You don’t do dreamlets!)
-B- Do you plan on traveling and working through WIFI?
Of course, owning an online business is the best way to work anywhere in the world!
And there is nothing like the thrill of your bottom line increasing, as you sleep!
-C- Is your aim to remain in the corporate world?
This is as important as any reason to work after retirement.
And the extra income is fantastic!
-D- How long will it take you to get there?
Be realistic about this. Research other peoples’ stories and join a Quora chat.
Don’t set an unreasonable goal. Don’t be a hero – it will all come out later.
Bet you didn’t know this…
Your website is your store for your online business!
And, just like real estate, successful websites can be SOLD!
Take the time to be puffed up! Pat yourself on the back!
You are an achiever!.. You built a brilliant website! … You deserve this.
Let this affirmation sink in … your brain is listening!
Gameplan Number 4!
Legal Requirements:
Knowing what is ok, in your area will make your planning easier!
You will be pleasantly surprised at the write-offs for utilities, phone, entertainment, and even the taxes on your house.
If you own a daycare, you may claim the renovation needed for your business.
You may also claim the cost of making a bigger and more usable driveway!
Find out about these valuable perks and don’t let them go by!
What do you have to lose?
Gameplan Number 5!

Branding! … I like this part!
Do you have a catchy name or a tune that attracts buyers? Do you have a logo?
If you are a “discount” store, do you offer plenty of discounts?
Are you becoming the “go-to” website when someone is looking for information?
Action Step “Take-Note…“
Just like on TV – Have you noticed a particular person in the commercial – the one that makes you STOP and WATCH and listen?.. They make you roll your eyes!
You are sold on their BRAND!
You liked their skit before and you want to see what they have to offer now.
That is what your website can do for you!
Be Proactive!
Join Wealthy Affiliate and turn your plan into your brilliant website, and launch your business!
Don’t take my word for it… I suggest you sit in on the Wealthy Affiliate site for FREE for one week! Yes, that’s their HOOK!
You don’t need a credit card to do this or make promises of commitment.
You will join when you want to join, you can leave anytime with no restricting contracts.
You can sit in on the chats, and read the bios of these incredible members of the community! There is no end to their generosity of spirit.
Gameplan Number 6!
Marketing and Promotion:
By now you have decided who is your target audience. You have narrowed this down by their age and demographics. … You know who they are!
Will you reach out to your audience through social media? Will you send out emails periodically and offer subscriptions?
Will you have sign-on promotions?
Gameplan Number 7!
Customer Service:
Develop a great relationship with your supplier.
This will elevate the service and improve the quality of the merchandise.
When you couple this with a great relationship with your target customer, it is easier to get your audience the products or services they crave.
What are they asking for?
Gameplan Number 8!
Develop a reasonable idea of where you can be in three months, six months, or one year.
How much income will you need before you can leave your 9-5 job?
Don’t forget to factor in inflation!
I use the SMART formula as my guideline … Your plans should be:
S–specific, (what type of marketing do you want to do)
M–measurable, (know what you can do now to be where you want to be in 1 year)
A–achievable, (be sensible – one step at a time)
R–resourced, (what can you spare to get it up and running)
T–time-bound, (have you set yourself achievable deadlines?)
Write your ideas,.. brainstorm … Break everything down!
Gameplan Number 9!
Time Management:
Plan your time so you can balance your work life with your home life.
If you are still working at your regular job AND starting your online business, how many hours of the day or week can you spare to get your business flourishing?
Be reasonable.
Factor in your business plan, and guesstimate how long it will take to reach your short-term and long-term goals!
When you have done 20% of the work, you will be 80% there!
Knowing where the endpoint is, you can plan your journey!
Gameplan Number 10!
To Summarize!
Wealthy Affiliate ticked ALL the boxes for me!
Their reviews were 10/10 as the best academy for learning to start and sustain an
online business!
I was scared! I had no idea how to tackle anything like this.
I thought this was for everyone else – how wrong was I? What did I really have to lose?

You already know this, EVERYTHING CAN BE LEARNED!
Everything is figureoutable! (Maria Forleo)
My mind changed when I sat on the WA site for one week for FREE.
It’s an open forum and the place reeks of success!
This is the most important thing to help you move forward.
It was refreshing to feel so welcome!
I lost my fear and became so excited!
I had an overview of their full training courses and boot camp!
Dare I say, “You have no hope of opening a brick-and-mortar store for $50.00/month!
I sat in on the chats and introduced myself. I read members’ bios and instantly made friends. The Wealthy Affiliate community is amazing; they come from every walk of life, worldwide!
SiteSupport is available 24/7. I had all the help I would ever need!
They truly want you to achieve success!
My first free domain was up and running in 30 minutes on my second day!
Within 10 months I owned a second website!
If you have never made a website and this scares you too, don’t waste your time being afraid. If I can do this, anyone can!
I could work as fast or as slow as I needed to.
It was all geared to my learning curve and my personal schedule!
Wealthy Affiliate helped to turn my intentions into results.
Together we implemented my plan and built my vision.
Tell me about your progress in creating and setting up your online business.
I would be so happy to follow you … I will be happy to read your story!
If I can offer advice or answer a question … if I can help in any way, I will be happy to do that.
Leave a comment below and I will reply within 24 hours!
Regards, Corinne