Will You Change Your Life In 2023?

HOW Will You Face This Challenge?

1. FOCUS – set your goals!
Goals don’t need to be grandiose. They can be as simple as a shopping list.
…Get over it!
Ok, I understand …
I fretted about the same thing, “I didn’t want to set a goal that I couldn’t attain”... So I did nothing.
When I finally joined Wealthy Affiliate to help me to achieve my goals, I changed my life forever!
– Baby steps!
Ayodeji Awosika said, “concentrate your time, energy, and attention on the daily actions needed, to turn your intentions into results!“ … Read that again!
Ayodeji is an author and has sold more than 20,000 copies of his books.
Ayo, for short, is a blogger… Woo-hoo … I like him already!
3. Make up your mind to CHANGE YOUR HABITS
You didn’t think this would be easy-peasy, did you?
The title is: Will You Change Your Life in 2023?”
This is a CHALLENGE – You know you want to do this.
Change ONE behavior at a time – we all have more than just one bad habit… I do, anyway!
Start by putting an end to procrastination! …
Indecision is a decision … And indecision causes desperation.
Henry David Thoreau said: “the masses of men lead lives of quiet desperation.
What is called resignation is confirmed desperation”.
HOW will you change your life in 2023?
Make a DECISION! …
Can I Change My Life In 7 Days?
THY NAME IS IMPATIENCE … You’ve waited this long to make changes, and you want it now!
That’s good … a little bit of impatience can take you a long way.
Well, you are reading “will you change your life in 2023?” … In one year.
So you are going to change in the first week for sure. … And then some!
You will change exponentially!
(This is when people start asking questions… Just ignore it.)
Uncle Sandy Did It!

I read that 33 to 86% of retirees return to the workplace… after they retire.
(You can read about that on this link).
We all know the story of Colonel Harland Sanders who started his KFC empire when he was 65! Would Uncle Sandy have made it in the digital age? .. Like… now?
I believe that he would have been a GREAT success, no matter what era!
Know why? …
Because he had DRIVE, and he was FOCUSED on his end goal.
He did what he needed to do to succeed, which was to make a winning
He changed his life IN THAT ONE YEAR!
Today, he would have built a GREAT WEBSITE!
The Internet Is For ALL
The highest entrepreneurship, worldwide, is in the 55 to 64-year age group.
Many rose to the challenge and started their own online business after retirement!
This older age group is considered “the most likely to succeed”.
Determination becomes a way of life.
They have a low employee turnover and will probably be their own boss!
(Guess they won’t just fire themselves).
Focus and determination are the keys to success!
What Were The Common Fears?
71% Were Worried About Being Less Mentally Active!
There were no computer science classes until after I graduated.
Being out of touch with technology was my greatest fear.
If we can’t look after our own needs we will be considered illiterate! …Yeah!
Many of you have kept up with technology … that’s a head start.
I will never be a computer geek, but I am becoming a great online business owner!
64% worried about being less physically active!
Start a 30-minute yoga routine, take up boxing, and learn a skill!
Do whatever it takes to rev yourself up! … Don’t stop!
Do something you love! The more energy you use, the more your body will give you!
This is the best time to do what you have been yearning for.
You can sell those ideas you have been storing up over those long years! …
You can even employ people.
By opening an online business you will put your experience to great use!
Many People Were Concerned About Losing Family Ties, Friendships, And Commercial Ties
There is no doubt that friend and family ties will be disrupted if you move after you retire.
If you don’t move, it might give you more time to BE with friends and family!
But looking at Commercial Ties, this is where you can shine forever! … You know people!
You have CONTACTS!
This is a great resource – they will love hearing from you, too!
There is no end to the inter-connectivity you will enjoy with your contacts and acquaintances.
Most People I Know Want An Online Business!
You Have Experience!
With all your skills, honed and tested, why would you work for anyone who is LESS experienced than you are?
Look At Your Beginning:
Did you learn your craft, profession, or service, from an older, more experienced person?
Did that person mentor you and train you on the job?
Did he challenge you, and help you grow?
Guess What? …
YOU are that NEW, older, and more experienced person in your field.
You are the mentor now!
It’s your turn to pass on what you know … Go on… they will appreciate it …
just as you did!
“You will never be rich in life until you have something that money cannot buy!
Money cannot buy your experience… You are a Gazillionaire!
Put These Challenges In Neat Little Rows
Get organized – now you have the time to have your own sideline.
You don’t have to report to a job every day… You’re not working for someone else!
You’ve managed a business before and you can put every principle you know to good use.
Except for ONE THING … the world is run by the INTERNET now.
You can wing it, OR – you can launch your business the right way.
If time is money, you will heap savings by not having setbacks.
Get the training! – There is no end to the confidence you’ll feel!
For the sake of more attention to detail, you don’t want to make a bad impression.
You will understand what the setup should be for an online business.
You will know what the end result should be and how to get there.
You will be able to face challenges with authority, instead of panic!
You will go on to be that online success that you want to be.
Don’t waste your time making a bad impression … some are unrecoverable!
Don’t compare yourself to others – It is so easy to write off your dreams with
“I’m not a tech-geek! I’ve never done this before!”
So what? Neither had I!
NOW HEAR THIS! … You will not become a mega-online billionaire mogul overnight!

billionaire mogul, overnight!
We’ve all heard about the “online billionaire” who started his business at 12!
He was a CEO at 18 and made his first
10 million dollars at 25 … All in one guy!
Did you get that he started his first business at 12 years old?
He has probably been on his computer since he was three! That’s not so unusual today!
He will keep on making millions!
How Can I Make This Mine?
But that doesn’t stop you from making your first online million today!
There is more opportunity on the internet NOW than ever before.
At 72 I am quite proud of myself.
In less than 1 year I have TWO websites! And I have no background in this, whatsoever!
I will never be a computer geek… but – I own TWO websites!
1. Connect with the post
Like any brick-and-mortar business or an online store, your personality needs to shine!
You decorate your brick-and-mortar store and have a theme!
Maybe, it’s “Western”, with hay bales in the corner… you get the idea!
This is your investment... buy stock … that’s what banks are for …
and build your website!
2. Be Your BRAND!
To build your website you need the TRAINING to open an online store.
You can build your website in 30 minutes, but what you put into your “store” is the most important thing… This is your most important investment!
You will learn, at Wealthy Affiliate how to create your website, open your online business, and maintain that business, all from your computer!
You have found your niche, you have outlined your business structure; you have a PLAN.
3. Align yourself with like-minded people
This is EXTREMELY important!
When you join Wealthy Affiliate one of the greatest things to help you on your road to success, is the like-minded people that you meet!
The Wealthy Affiliate community is voted, worldwide, the most interactive and diverse in online affiliate academies!
Wealthy Affiliate members number 2.6 million, from everywhere.
And you are rubbing shoulders with very successful online entrepreneurs.
Every single person joined Wealthy Affiliate to learn how to build a GREAT website!
They have a generosity of spirit. They love to see you achieve your goals and SUCCEED. Encouragement is King.
FIND LIKE-MINDED PALS – Monitor your greatness!
4. What Can “Having More Money” Do For Me?
Ok, it’s the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil!
I like having it! It’s USEFUL.
A. Money alleviates the stress of shortages of money.
It’s nice to face a deadline and know that it won’t be a stretch to meet your commitment.
B. Having spare money allows you to have a good time, even if it’s for a dinner out.
C. You know you can be more carefree WITH it, than without it.
It feels good to be able to tip lavishly once in a while.
D. Money buys you the time to do the things you want to do.
With extra online income, you don’t have to be working … you can do something else.
Like spontaneously flying to a far-off place!
E. By having your own website and online business, now you have time and money!
Aaaand, you can work from anywhere! Works for me!
How Can Retirees Make Money?
Write online – writing puts information into your brain, for when you need it later.
Online writing can include proofreading and writing content as a professional blogger.
A study done by the American Time Use Data, says
“retirees have 7 hours of free time per day” and rising!
Many who do not fall in that category, use their free time to learn new craft skills.
Like upholstery, and caning furniture.
They learn unique painting techniques and wall-papering.
Whatever skills take their interest!
Become a tour guide …What stops you? Think of the people you would meet!
You know more than everyone else about your state already … you have been researching it and you’ve visited all the highlights!
Don’t just sit on a glider chair; be an involved spectator. Volunteer!
Tell everyone about your NEW VENTURE – create a thirst for what you are doing!
To do any of this – wait for it – you need a great website!
Does Retired Mean Forever?
Ye Old English Dictionary says: “retired”, ree-tie-erd is: to stop working permanently.
But my MODERN dictionary tells me that “retired”, re-ty-urd is: to stop working at the present job you are doing.
Whether for a time out, because of age, or health, you opted out of that profession.
You did not OPT OUT OF LIFE!
Being retired means that you can pursue
your dreams…
You are your own boss…
You make your decisions about your life.
You work to your schedule.
You have always wanted to do this!
You can use your experience and skills to sell your ideas and services! …
This is your last hurrah!
My Kingdom For A Website!
This is how valuable a website can be:
I have looked up hundreds of businesses and products online,
and everyone had a website!
You can’t own a restaurant, laundry, or engineering company without a great website.
You have to show the world about yourself and your product.
Your WEBSITE is your storefront, your “outside office“, your front desk where you greet your guests!
Now, the public is coming into your store to see what you have to offer.
Ye Olde Smoke Signals!
I describe my website as my Phone Book!
Remember when that is where we went to “look someone up”?
In many rural areas in my country, they no longer print telephone books.
They make a good doorstop!
Now we sit at our computers, which are always on, and go to someone’s website.
We look inside… into their “virtual reality” online business.
if they did not have a website?
If by visiting a website, you made a purchase with them, this tells you just how essential it is to have a good website,.. for YOUR business.
Would You Have Made A Purchase With This Business, IF THEY DID NOT HAVE A WEBSITE?
No … like all consumers, you would have moved on … So would I.
I want to meet the person who is taking my money!
Every Single Business Today Needs A Great Website … Period!
I recommend Wealthy Affiliate Academy for training to own and maintain an online business… I’ve done the research!
Do You Have A PLAN?
You can be an affiliate marketer and earn money online.
You can sell your ideas, your product, or someone else’s product!
If you are online, you can work from anywhere!
(Learn more about how your rock-solid plan works for you!
At Wealthy Affiliate, you will implement your PLAN …
WA will show you how to start an online business, and create a website!
This includes web design, how to generate traffic, and SEO training!
I have never had so much fun in my life!
Enter: Mr. and Mrs. Online Entrereneurs
Ten years ago if you asked if I would do something like this now, I would’ve said,
“Yes… probably!” … Because it is the way business is done today!
I want to keep up with the ever-changing world out there.
I do not want to be left behind… I am finicky about this!
Consumer Affairs reports that:
51% of retirees regret not saving sooner.
36% wish they had invested sooner.
Everyone else I know wishes they had an online business coupled with a great website!
Do you work to live or do you do the work you love?
Don’t you wish you had an online sideline with all of your free time available to you?
You can go through the motions daily OR create unforgettable new experiences, travels, and adventures!
Try Before You Buy …
I love this one!
Before you join Wealthy Affiliate, sit in on their platform for free!
You can go there for a whole week!
You can join the chats and read members’ bios; introduce yourself and ask questions.
You will soon see why the Wealthy Affiliate community is voted #1.
You don’t need a credit card to do this; you don’t need to sign a contract when you do join!
You will join when you want to join; you will leave if you want to leave.
You can visit the WA Academy website here…
I Would Love To Hear From You!
I just know that you have questions and comments!
Let me know about your online experiences – how do you feel about the websites that attracted your attention? What was it about this website that made you stop surfing?
Use the comment field below! Please, keep in touch
Regards, Corinne