Sarah’s 10 Tips for Epic Off-Road Dirt Biking!

We Are Off-Road Dirt Bikers
In the heart of the wild, where the air hums with adventure, we are the MUD WARRIORS... we are the brave new off-road dirt bikers – in our family.
My dad always wanted to do this, I am fifteen now – Dad’s much older – and we are teaming up to join an off-road mud warriors group. People still call them “buzz bikes“.
Dad says it’s serious – this isn’t cycling on a bicycle. We’ll be revving up real engines and driving off-road. There is a certain amount of danger involved, but the excitement is so real.

off-road dirt biking!
Sarah is wide-eyed and mentally prepared; this isn’t just any ride. Dad never had a son, and she wants to make him proud.
I’ll be driving a motorcycle now and I’m only 15! Dad looks pale!
21st-century Sarah did her research and found that if you aren’t committed to learning the 10 tips for epic off-road dirt biking! then, don’t bother…
Don’t bother spending good money on a new off-road dirt bike; don’t buy the gear to protect your body, and you won’t be trying on goggles, gloves, and helmets either.
Save the cash and the shopping and the frustration. (Biking off-road in the heat of Africa)
Or, if you commit to learning the basics, you should invest in a beautiful, new off-road dirt bike – take the shiny one in the color of your choice.
Dad and I bought somewhat matching suits and helmets – the better to find each other in a crowd – that’s good thinking Dad. He’s a parent, Sarah – protecting you from the boys.
Typical of this age group, the boys are racing down hills and making a lot of noise.
Dad says it’s not a good idea to pretend to be better than you are; those guys will be put to the test. Dad whispers: “It doesn’t pay to be a smart-ass”.
Dad’s advice: “When 50 bikes start up and that vro-o-m vr-o-om! throbs in your chest, and emotionally no one is ready for that feeling of excitement that comes over you so remember the lessons you learned follow the safety first rule don’t get separated from the others this is wild country stay safe at all times”.
Bring on the mud.
These Are 10 Tips for Epic Off-Road Dirt Biking!
1: Safety first
Straddling their gleaming bikes – clean for the moment – their mentor yak-yaks the absolute necessity of proper safety gear.
He won’t let anyone ride away if there’s even a hint of something awry. They are compelled to wear body armor; it’s heavy and it’s hot. It’s a bubble wrap mentality.
Before you think this is overkill, perhaps if – when – you go down, you will land on your rib cage – on a rock, with force… it’s a rule from the universe.
Take a look around you: this is not emergency vehicle country. If a rib punctures something, we won’t be calling an ambulance. Not from this place.
Someone, somewhere, is praying for rain. It’s a scorching 30 degrees Celsius in the shade, with nary a cloud in sight. This is Africa; It won’t rain today.
Out here in the wild, you learn to adapt.
2: Choose the Right Bike
As Sarah and Dad browse through the options, they are given good advice: “Find a bike that fits like a glove and suits your riding style.” Find the sweet spot between comfort and performance. Go to the experts
It’s easy to be distracted. We look at an array of Asian and European motorcycles: Kawasaki, Husquvarna, and Ducati. They are so shiny and new, gleaming under the fluorescent lights.
With hundreds of bikes in the showroom, narrow down your search and start with the best height for you. You should be able to touch the ground with your feet. Take it for a road test.
3: Learn Basic Riding Techniques
There are “Traverse-Trail-Riding” parks around us and the training is invaluable. To be on an outride into the wilderness, you need to understand and master certain skills.
It’s simple, if you can’t ride, you can’t go.
It’s not all about adrenaline-fueled chaos, there’s a method to the madness.
Etiquette on the trail is important, and it’s there to protect you.
But when you sit on your brand new bike and 50 bikes start up at once, every nerve is shouting… let’s do this!

The thrill courses through your hands onto the throttle and you won’t think logically – that is when your training kicks in.
This is an extreme sport… but don’t ever get separated from the group. You don’t want this to happen.
As you start to get the hang of it and push your limits confidence bubbles up
Inject excitement into your life and pick up new skills – you won’t regret it.
4: Master Terrain Awareness
You will have to tackle a variety of terrain. Learn to read a trail and be objective about it.
Embrace the terrain – it’s your playground!
If the slope is getting wet, how good are you on a slippery slope? (Dirt Bikers Do It In The Dirt)
Can you handle sliding in the mud, or should we leave that for next week’s class?
Learn to read the trail like a book, scanning for obstacles and adjusting your speed accordingly. Otherwise, you’re going down.
In this wild country, be sure to notice animal activity – if there are spores, that means they have been here and we don’t want to encroach on them.
5: Join A Community With Experienced Riders
Sarah and Dad joined a group of trail riders to improve their riding skills.
This takes on a whole new dimension.
Nothing gives you Experience like Experience
The mentors in their group inspire them with a gentle nudge to step out of their comfort zones. Dad is obsessed and cannot wait to jump in!
You push each other… and they are making some great friends.
(Off-road biking on the African Plains)
6: Maintain Bike Maintenance
Learn the importance of regular bike maintenance like chain lubrication, and tire inspection. Use the right oil and keep it tuned. Check your bike’s condition like a pilot.
Do you really want your bike sputtering in a tight situation because you allowed dirt into the carburetor? This sport has a lot of dirt – and that dirt gets into the motor and everywhere!
Dad insists they wash down the bikes after a ride. It’s covered in mud and we need to be sure our spark plugs are clean. We have to be ready for the next ride.
Dad says that you need to be in tune with your bike. “Take care of your bike, and it’ll take care of you,” he says with a swagger. Yes, I did see him swagger!
7: Build Confidence
Sarah started with easy rides and gradually worked up to more challenging terrain.
With each ride, her confidence grew, and she felt more at home in the saddle.
Watch Sarah go…
At first, even the simplest trails were scary, but she mastered some difficult techniques.
Sarah gained experience and showed the other girls how to drift out of a mudslide…
She can power slide into corners and handles her bike with control and finesse.
Sarah is our poster child and proves that everybody can do this.
Dad is into wheelies!
(What does that 100% biker look like…)
8: Stay Hydrated and Energized
Pack plenty of water and snacks for the rides. Staying hydrated and energized is key to staying focused and alert – you don’t want to be wilted on the trail.
There is always a lot of water to go around. Use glass bottles and throw in lots of ice packs. Plastic bottles melt in the heat.
9: Respect Nature And Her Trails
Practice Leave No Trace principles and minimize environmental impact.
It’s extremely important to respect the environment and adhere to trail etiquette.
No one should leave clouds of smoke in this clean air. It’s a lack of respect for all riders and the Earth.
If we don’t respect nature, the privilege of riding in the wilderness could be removed to protect wildlife… maybe forever.
10: Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride
With a whoop Sarah tears down the trail, grinning all the way and she revels in the thrill of off-road dirt biking. Dad is right behind her… Pulling another wheelie!
The journey was challenging at times, but they kept a positive attitude and a passion for adventure, the sky was the limit. (It’s for the freedom that we ride!)
Have you reached your limit? Do you enjoy off-road dirt biking?
What kind of motorcycle do you ride?
Where do you like to ride?
I would love to hear from you.
Leave a comment in the box below and I will get back to you within 24 hours!
Regards, Cook :-)))