Is It Okay To Be Positive All The Time?

Monty says, Always Look On The Bright Side

Who’s world isn’t rosier with no disasters lurking around? That’s one way to look on the bright side of life.
Are we obsessing about what might’ve been?
We obsess about nothing and fabricate the whole disaster in our minds. Now our minds are full of disaster.
If we get from the universe what we put out there, then dodging disasters is going to cause what?.. Disaster! Because … we are focusing on disaster!
So what’s on our minds? Calamity. Flood. Famine, Donner and Blixen.
And that’s what’s going out there. So that’s what we get back.
It’s a boomerang! You DON’T want this back.
So, is it okay to be positive all the time?
Monty Python says, Always look on the bright side!
Happy Gets You Happiness!
If we concentrated on the good, we’d be getting back only good and happiness.
Because that’s what we were concentrating on… What we think, comes back around.
Everyone read The Secret. I’m just understanding it now.
This is what we were taught all along: “You reap what you sow”.
(We all read The Secret)
In my life, I noticed that a high income didn’t necessarily make you happy…
Poverty didn’t do that either. I saw far more happy people who were happy AND poor.
Each one would like to own a really flashy car or a big, fancy house, but they’re not UN-happy because they don’t have them.
They had no money. What they did have was home-grown vegetables. They bartered for flour, butter, and meat.
They were joyful people! They didn’t know they were poor.
I Wanted To Know: Is It Okay To Be Positive All The Time?
There were people on small islands with a beach for their yard – they had beachfront property. They cooked outside every night – they had an outdoor kitchen;
and didn’t work either – like being retired.
They slept well at night, – with the sound of the waves nearby – like a Calm app.
This is what Westerners want! It’s what we’re striving for!.. We can do this!
After making the acquaintance of these people, I just couldn’t understand the Western world anymore! What were we chasing? We wanted the American Dream but ended up with dumplings.
What did we have?
Mortgages. A job to pay for our debts. Without the debts, we wouldn’t need the job.
Without the job, we wouldn’t have the debts.
Are we understanding this yet?
A Gold Brick For A Tiny Home
I’m thinking we trip over the gold brick on our doorstep to rush out and pick up pennies in the field… Plain and simple.

Have you noticed those popular Tiny Homes?
People don’t want to be possessed by their possessions anymore.
I can start with a large one and work my way down to a small one eventually…
It looks so darn free!
These people still work and buy things. But money doesn’t own them!
I like my creature comforts too, but it’s all relative. It’s what we get used to.
If we bought only what we needed, our economy would collapse!
Seriously… Think about it.
From where you’re sitting count what you see, that you can live without. What would you take if you had to leave in two minutes?… And that’s just one room.
I knew a family of seven who had no electricity or running water. They came to this country each carrying a small bundle on their backs.
To their credit, they had good ideas, seemed determined to work hard, and they were good farmers… That says a lot in my book.
They rent-farmed a few hundred acres, sold most of the food, and lived on the rest for the year.
They were forced to use what they had and they didn’t have much. A nearly rusted-out truck for the garden runs, and a wood stove for heat.
Last I heard someone from the community donated their truck to this family. Makes us all feel good to see that and causes a chain reaction of giving.
Where did they come from? What did they leave behind?
O, just some soldiers on horseback planning to wipe out their whole village.
So they fled and landed here.
There were seven of them, happy to be alive. They escaped great danger!
This is all relative; none of us have ever been in their shoes.
Unless we were there to see it, we can’t fully understand it.
But I understood the turn-about … they sowed joy and gratitude.
They had everyone’s respect because they worked so hard. Non-stop.
They were cheerful and talked about this good life.
They attracted everyone to themselves.
A building bee and all five kids helped to put up their house.
Hard work and a good education were expected!
You didn’t argue with their Dad.
They had a NEED. They were putting gratitude, and joy out there.
It had a boomerang effect.
A Perfect Example
My Mom was the most positive person in the world.
It was so annoying. Why was she so cheerful? So nice?
How could she glide through life with me as her daughter?
Where did that constant smile come from?
Good kept coming back to her.
As we understood it, she and her siblings – all 15 children – would sit around the woodstove at night. They joked and laughed. They got along so well, with all those people in one small house … Legend has it.
One of my younger cousins said, “It was easy for you to get along when you were little. Saints still roamed the earth. No one argued in those days”.
She was so innocent when she said this.
It ruffled some feathers, though.
Momma died at a ripe old age, while life had thrown everything at her generation.
They lived through two world wars, the Depression, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and everything after that. These people had thick skins!
We had so much fun with our Mom! She danced to our music and we played games.
We made popcorn and ate peanut butter and jam sandwiches.
That was the bright side of life, but we didn’t know it yet.
We were as dumb as two short planks.
She taught us how to speak french-piglatin. Sounds just like the name … no one could understand it. This piglatin should have been used in WW2 for secret codes.
Only French Canadians could understand it … maybe.
What did Momma get in return for putting it out there?
She was happy and content.
She was special and loved having lots of people around. They couldn’t stay away.
Some days they took over and seeped into our home from all angles.
I digress.
There’s That Attraction Thing Again
She had nine siblings living in town. I lost count of the number of cousins I have.
A gazillion, maybe.
For me, that was the payoff.
Wasn’t it just like her, to reward me for my skepticism of positivity?
I had a huge family and a pretty good idea of how to reap what I sowed.
I’d been doing it all along … it’s a fact; it’s Biblical!
Can’t imagine a better gift than to have her example. It’s a recipe for success!
Better than a formal education!
Being so positive doesn’t happen by accident.
You need to work at it… because luck has nothing to do with it.
“THINGS” are the WAY of Things
In our neck of the woods, we were taught, by television, to want more of everything.
Me, I prefer farm equipment and do-dads for the house.
Like my simple cookie jar.
Advertisers tell us that we should buy something and our relatives will be envious. Why do we want our relatives to be discontented with us?
Why do we need more things??… Because …They’re supposed to make us happy … Remember?
We spend the first two-thirds of our lives buying all this stuff, and the last one-third trying to get rid of it. We loaded up with things so we could give them away!
If we had known that we would just get rid of it, later on, would we have bought it in the first place? Would we have all this stuff?
I am way too cheap for that… And NONE of this made me happy!
(Read about a yearning for travel here)
What Was I Going To DO About It?
I’m not saying this can just happen; it isn’t easy. It’s like polishing a car; we work at becoming shiny.
You can decide not to be annoying. Make the decision to be smiley, friendly, and nice.
Smile and always see the bright side. Enjoy people and make them feel good about themselves.
Don’t buy THINGS to fill a void.
You’re asking a lot from me right now! Here’s the blueprint and I can’t waste it.
Momma would say: deal with it. Make lemonade.
Take the bad with the good, learn from it, and, you reap what you sow. I’m dealing with the information she left me. I want to share it with everyone.
Matt was serving in a pizza place, always looking to make people happy.
Positive and outgoing, entertainment personified.
People went there to see him, not just to eat pizza.
When you are positive, people will come to you, just to be in your company.
You’ll be pleased as punch!
That’s when you know you’re doing it right.
The owners wanted him to stay on and made him offers.
He got educated and married. He’s a family man now.
He chose to be happy.
It doesn’t matter what your financial worth is.
A positive attitude is a sought-after commodity.
It needs to live on. I’ll have what Matt’s having.
And watch it all come back to me!
Regards, Corinne
Lovely read! Keep them coming.
Thank you Brenda. What did you think of the vernacular?
Great read Cook, but “corn bread”? ok.
Thanks Wayne, I kind of was depictin’ the south. What did you think of the vernacular?
Got it, fittin!
You always make me laugh!
Satchel Paige, the greatest “ negro “ pitcher from the black leagues once said – Don’t look back , someone might be catching up to you .
Yes, I git the vernacular, but I don’t know where you got it, so I guess I don’t really git it ! Does that fit ?
Your momma did well .
Hi Terry and thanks for your comment. I wanted to take a risk bc writing is so expressive. Just a twist on the storytelling. It worked bc so many people commented on it. I think people have a hard time associating this vernacular with me. No matter, continue to watch this space.